Thursday 30 January 2014

Epitome of Shining India

“India shaped my mind, anchored my identity, influenced my beliefs, and made me who I am... India matters to me and I would like to matter to India.” 

Some years back when we were asked about ours option of studying abroad, a majority of my batch mates spontaneously responded with a yes. A saying goes 'Indians are best when they are out of India'. Well I would consider this cynical because the roots of a man cannot be forgotten. No matter where we are, we will carry our roots with us. You may call it the 'Indian spirit' or something that comes to us naturally.

Riveting, but true. Indian students have made an indelible mark for themselves in the International scenario and have thus made India swell with pride. We have heard of innovators, artists, scientists, authors - Their contribution cannot be forgotten. Yes, we have heard about Balamurali Ambati, the world's youngest doctor at the age of 17, Subramanyan Chanrasekhar, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Raghuram Rajan, IMF Chief Economist, Amartya Sen, ,  Anita Desai (an author), Mira Nair, Rajiv Gupta, the General Manager of Hewlett Packard, Arun Sarin, CEO of Vodaphone, Kalpana Chawla - and my list could go on and not come to a halt.

Well these luminaries are revered as celebrities and are given the same honor abroad as well. Let me now draw your attention to some less known or even unknown students who need to be appreciated for working so hard in universities in US and UK.

Richa Jain - A budding artist - at Arts University Bournemouth, UK. She pursued her education in Welham's School, Dehradun and now poses as an explicit example of the mounds of talent that Indian students possess.
I will not sit passive anymore, letting you take the reins on my life. I will not stay quiet while you speak for me. You want me to be rooted, cultured. But what is the use of it all if I am unable to spread my wings and fly? I will not be a canary anymore, caged but singing sweet songs. You can try to stop me, but I am valiant and I will break free-
Painting by- Richa Jain
Amarthya Tirtha Bhowmick - a minor, who has expressed herself through art in amazing ways. Her words - I am a human being who belongs to this earth. I have multiple thoughts in my mind and I am engaging myself in multiple works of my society - are quiet resounding as they come from a girl of 15.
Amarthya's creation
Prerna Khullar - made it to the student's spotlight of  University of Illinois at Springfield. Former student of Wynberg Allen School, she is considered to be the most chirpy, warm - hearted and talented student to be around. She is an inspiration for her colleagues.
Alia Sayed, student at the Arts Institutes, Vancouver, Canada. She is a fashion designer and poses as a model, if required.
Alia poses for the cover of her magazine, compiled and designed by her.

There are hundreds of such students who in their own way, are the reason why USA and UK are eager to have our students in their Universities. It is a pity that they are not given the same kind of recognition in their own motherland. From powerless, to power-brokers to powers-in-themselves, Indians have left an imprint all over the world.

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